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Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:58 pm
by Flex
No more permabuffed weapons...
Had feeling that would be one of the fixes....Dangit!

I'll be picking this up as soon as it's released on Steam. The fresh start on the new server is something I agree with (though this is coming from a guy with just a handful of 20's on the current server).

Have you thought about putting a sign or some type of message in the current mod that would notify people of NWNEE and the new server? Might help to bring people over to the new game if they log in and haven't heard about it anywhere else.

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:20 am
by Alor
Even i would like fresh start as long as i can log the old server and play with my 20s a bit now and then :)

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:01 pm
by kaltrip
A fresh start server is currently just a suggestion. It's easy to move the servervault over, but I thought it might be interesting for people to have to do things the hard way for once :)

I've no intention of shutting down the original server so it will be there for as long as people still occasionally use it.

Edited because I forgot to reply regarding making mention of the EE server on the existing one. To play on the EE server you need the EE client and that already shows the new server in the server listings. I think currently it is the only version of PoA or derived modules on there so is quite easy to find.

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:34 am
by Alor
How big is the diffrence if form 1.69 to EE if you just look at the client side? Is it really visible?

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:24 am
by kaltrip
Alor wrote:How big is the diffrence if form 1.69 to EE if you just look at the client side? Is it really visible?
On the client side the differences seem fairly minor (so far). The UI is cleaner looking and colors a bit more saturated. There is better support for high resolution screens and newer graphic cards and there are supported Linux and Mac clients again. To be honest, I think a lot of the haks available for the 1.69 client are already able to do a better job as regards prettying things up. I think the major differences are under the hood and will make life easy for mod developers and people running servers. It means that for now at least it will be a bit of a hard sell to people just interested in doing solo content, but later the benefits should become more apparent.

So far there is just one problem that I've noticed and which I've reported as a bug. This is to do with spells being restored when logging back into a running server which was one of the few changes I made to the behavior of the original server when I modified it to run on 1.69.

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:05 pm
by Henke
So the EE edition server are up, did you decide if we are starting fresh och merging the charachter vault?

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:22 pm
by kaltrip
The EE server has been up since days after this thread started and I started looking into it. For now I'm inclined to keep both servers running indefinitely, but not to transfer characters over from the old server to the new one.

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:16 am
by Henke
Right, should have said that the EE game was released.
Thats cool, thanks for that answer. :)

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:17 am
by blottobox
No more permabuffs!? :( I'm buying friday on steam.

Re: Beamdog Announces Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition F

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:15 am
by blottobox
Hard to lvl when noobs won't let u join their party. Make me a DM Kal?