Delayed blast fireball
Delayed blast fireball
Do you know if there is a problem with this spell? It seems to work when cast directly at a monster but doesn't seem to work when you cast it on the ground as a trap. I'd expect to see the sprinkles appear on the ground but nothing happens except the spell is lost. Any ideas?
Re: Delayed blast fireball
Ouch, that sounds bad. Are there any other arcane casters high enough level yet to be able to verify this as a problem? I can't think of anything that has changed that should have broken this so at the moment I'm going to hope it's just a client end problem. Assuming that's the case then I'll send you a PM to see if we can sort this out between us, but if anyone else has any ideas, please post here.
Re: Delayed blast fireball
I did cast some of these yesterday, they worked just fine. What are your graphic details settings? If they are somewhere between low and average you might simply not be seeing the visual effects of the spell. Once you casted the spell did any monster run into the spot?
Re: Delayed blast fireball
Thanks for the update Jag. It looks to have been a client side issue on Pixie's machine.