EE server Down
Re: EE server Down
Hi Alor,
Yeah, saw your email - easier to get my attention that way. No clue what caused the problem as the game server was still running but I couldn't log in either. Forced a restart and that "fixed" it. I don't like it when things just lock up like that without any hints as to what might be wrong, so I'll just have to put it down to "stuff happens" and try and keep an eye on it for a while
Cheers, Kal
Yeah, saw your email - easier to get my attention that way. No clue what caused the problem as the game server was still running but I couldn't log in either. Forced a restart and that "fixed" it. I don't like it when things just lock up like that without any hints as to what might be wrong, so I'll just have to put it down to "stuff happens" and try and keep an eye on it for a while
Cheers, Kal
Re: EE server Down
Server still down? how long was it down for?
Re: EE server Down
Really sorry for the delay in getting things back up. I didn't notice my email alert until this morning.
We've been having some odd crashes recently - prior to Alor's update which has nothing to do with this. The server had been running for months without a single crash but now I'm getting a server lock up rather than a crash. I can see when it has happened in the log file and I've written a script which watches out for this and forces a restart - not ideal but better than relying on me to notice a phone alert
We've been having some odd crashes recently - prior to Alor's update which has nothing to do with this. The server had been running for months without a single crash but now I'm getting a server lock up rather than a crash. I can see when it has happened in the log file and I've written a script which watches out for this and forces a restart - not ideal but better than relying on me to notice a phone alert

Re: EE server Down
Thanks for the update Kaltrip.
And thanks for keeping the server running. It's great that we're all still able to play PoA. Plus, seems like the community might be growing!
And thanks for keeping the server running. It's great that we're all still able to play PoA. Plus, seems like the community might be growing!
Re: EE server Down
Restarted, Looking at what happened now.