I think I've now fixed all the major problems that were introduced by various Bioware patches after Trespasser stopped maintaining the mod. There are some changes that I can't do much about, such as the change in the way damage resistance versus multi-type damage works. Those, and tweaking a few options made possible by later Bioware patches regarding attacks of opportunity, hit points gained per level, and item pricing are as far as I'll go with changes unless people come up with other bugs to fix.
That said, I think there is a way to re-introduce something that Trespasser originally had in the module but which had to be taken out because it was being exploited and, at the time, he didn't have the hooks that Bioware now provide to be able to fix things cleanly. I'm talking about restoring spells for casters if they crash out and have to relog back to where they were previous to the crash rather than wiping all remaining uses. So if a sorc has 3 remaining casts of a level 3 spell and they log out (through a crash or otherwise) and back in again, then they will still have 3 remaining level 3 spells rather than looking at no available spells and having to rest as at present. This seems a fairer situation to me, but maybe you guys prefer things as they are and just see it as another challenge that I should leave well alone. Since the server is there for you all to have fun (including me when I get a chance to play), I'm happy to go along with people's thoughts on this.
A suggestion
Re: A suggestion
If you could make it exploit-proof, sounds good to me
I also have a suggestion about rest spawns. I'd say they could use a slight nerfing, like to 20-30%. Right now all they do is slow the players down, which leads to anger, anger leads to suffering, suffering leads to... frustration 

Re: A suggestion
I agree with the rest spawns. They need to be lowered. It took me at least 20 tries to rest in house K and ended up leaving even thought we got to the weapon master part.
I played in a server that scripted spells to remain with the caster even after they log off. The problem with this is sometimes it doesn't remember the exact amount. So instead of having 5 fireballs left, it might give you 4 fireballs, or say you use all your fireballs and log off. When you log back on there is a chance you will get a random number of fireballs back or it might remember how much you had before and the problem with this is people might use this to get their spells back instead of resting because of rest spawns. But all in all, it seems better than having no spells at all.
A couple of things I think would be better.
-The boat in the beginning of every new character should be removed. I rather read rules in town. (sometimes people leave because they can't get pass the questions)
-Automatic level up to level 2 or 3 depending on class instead of having to go to rowan all the time. New players don't know about the rowan guy. I know this mod is old, but there are still new players from time to time.
I played in a server that scripted spells to remain with the caster even after they log off. The problem with this is sometimes it doesn't remember the exact amount. So instead of having 5 fireballs left, it might give you 4 fireballs, or say you use all your fireballs and log off. When you log back on there is a chance you will get a random number of fireballs back or it might remember how much you had before and the problem with this is people might use this to get their spells back instead of resting because of rest spawns. But all in all, it seems better than having no spells at all.
A couple of things I think would be better.
-The boat in the beginning of every new character should be removed. I rather read rules in town. (sometimes people leave because they can't get pass the questions)
-Automatic level up to level 2 or 3 depending on class instead of having to go to rowan all the time. New players don't know about the rowan guy. I know this mod is old, but there are still new players from time to time.
Re: A suggestion
About the rest spawns.
Last night me, jag and tasha did palace (top floor, didn't have time for vault before restart) and I think we spent a good 30+ minutes just trying to rest. I think my longest streak was ~20-25 rest spawns in a row. Needless to say, we were slightly annoyed :p
Last night me, jag and tasha did palace (top floor, didn't have time for vault before restart) and I think we spent a good 30+ minutes just trying to rest. I think my longest streak was ~20-25 rest spawns in a row. Needless to say, we were slightly annoyed :p
Re: A suggestion
Hi Khaine. Thanks for the info and (slight) adjustments will be made when I do the next rebuild early next week.
I had a look through the logs and you did have a really unlucky streak with 15 consecutive failed rolls at one point with 4 of them being just a single point below what you needed... The overall chance of a successful rest in that place was still about 1 in 4. Natasha was pulling off more successful rests than the odds would dictate which evened things up a bit. I'm afraid it's just one of those things where you tend to remember the long lists of failed rests but forget the times you rested successfully at first attempt several times in a row.
I had a look through the logs and you did have a really unlucky streak with 15 consecutive failed rolls at one point with 4 of them being just a single point below what you needed... The overall chance of a successful rest in that place was still about 1 in 4. Natasha was pulling off more successful rests than the odds would dictate which evened things up a bit. I'm afraid it's just one of those things where you tend to remember the long lists of failed rests but forget the times you rested successfully at first attempt several times in a row.