minor problem soloing
minor problem soloing
when did bladebarriers start rolling on reflex save? makes it quite hard to solo houses
Re: minor problem soloing
I thought blade barrier had always had a reflex save? What you may be noticing is the change made in the 1.69 patch that made it take note of evasion (see notes in that Wiki link).
It's still possible to solo all the houses and the academy with the right build and a bit of luck
It's still possible to solo all the houses and the academy with the right build and a bit of luck
Re: minor problem soloing
luck has nothing to do with it
Re: minor problem soloing
Yep, reflex save bug for bbs was "fixed" at 1.69 update. Tent was fixed with the same update.
Re: minor problem soloing
gaaaah i have never noticed how manny of the enemies that has imp evasion before
Razhid got alot harder to kill
Razhid got alot harder to kill